Many of you ask me this question, so here is a complete article that presents the two YOGASANA card games, their differences so that you can make your choice.
🤸 The yang game
Suitable for a rather dynamic and physical practice.
This is the first map tool I created.
The idea is to hold the postures for 1 to 10 breaths.
- In Hatha Yoga , the postures are held for 3, 5, 10 breaths.
To learn more about Hatha Yoga, click here.
- In Vinyasa Yoga , 1 movement = 1 breath.
To learn more about Vinyasa Yoga, click here.
This version includes 80 cards, including:
- 75 postures classified by color according to categories (from warm-up to relaxation) and by level of difficulty, from 1 to 4.
- Sun Salutations A and B
- Rules & Instructions
- 8 yoga sequences
For all the information on the YANG Hatha-Vinyasa game, click here.
🧘 The yin game
For a gentler, slower, deeper and more therapeutic practice.
In Yin Yoga , postures are held for 3, 5, 10 minutes in order to target deep tissues.
Yin postures, based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, help stimulate the meridians. Stimulating the meridians allows vital energy to circulate harmoniously. Stimulating them helps remove/reduce certain blockages, and rebalances us.
To learn more about Yin Yoga, click here.
The Yin deck includes 80 cards including:
- 38 Yin Yoga Poses
- 10 transition postures (not obligatory) between postures
- Detailed explanations of the meridians (1 card = 1 meridian), the 5 elements, etc.
- Rules & Instructions
- 20 sequences proposed
In Yin, there is no level of difficulty. On each posture is indicated the time (in minutes) to maintain the posture.
For all the information on the YIN game, it's here.
🤸🧘 What the two games have in common
You will find the rules & instructions as well as suggested sequences, based on different themes .
Both versions are accessible to everyone : beginners, experienced users and yoga teachers and allow you to:
- create your own sequences; at home, while traveling or for teaching
- master and know the most important yoga postures
- perfect your practice thanks to detailed explanations and benefits
🤸 🧘 Are there any postures that are repeated between the two tools?
Some postures are visually and visibly the same. For example, the child's pose. This is the case for very few postures, and in addition the way of approaching the posture is absolutely not the same. The indications differ, and sometimes even the name of the postures is not the same.
I hope I have answered all your questions and that after reading this article, you will be able to decide! Or not, for that matter... why choose? The two tools / the two approaches: hatha (or vinyasa) and yin are complementary.
For my part, I use the Hatha-Vinyasa cards in the morning, which allows me to create a more dynamic sequence to start the day, and be in shape, full of energy. And in the evening, for a softer and more introspective practice, I like to use the Yin Yoga cards.
It's your turn! So, which version(s) did you choose? Yin? Yang? Both?
Excellent practice! 🙏
Mes horaires de travail ne sont pas compatibles avec ceux des cours de yoga. Je cherchais un.support pour pratiquer seul, ludique, pratique. J’ai fait de nombreuses recherches avant de commencer vos cartes. Je suis vraiment content de la qualité et de la simplicité d’utilisation. Je.peux préparer mes séquences en.fonction de mes objectifs et emmener avec moi les cartes concernées pour pratiquer même en deplacement
Les cartes sont belles les schémas et explications très claires. Je recommande
Le pack yrop qui offre beaucoup de possibilités pour tout niveau.
bonjour. En fait je cherche un yoga à pratiquer en complément de mes séances de sport (cardio + renfo muscul) , qui pourrait étirer/détendre les muscles
J’ai découvert le hatha yoga il y a 3 ans. J’ai assisté à 2 cours puis il y a eu le confinement et j’ai pratiqué seule pendant 2 ans. L’an dernier j’ai trouvé un cours dans ma commune, 1h par semaine seulement, alors je complète chez moi. Le yoga m’est devenu indispensable et je cherchais un outil ludique et pratique pour me booster et aller au delà des seuls mouvements que je répète sans cesse ! J’ai donc commandé le jeu Yang et son extension, ainsi que le Yin . Je viens de les recevoir ! Je suis ravie, merci !!!
Merci beaucoup pour ces précisions, alors on va démarrer tranquillement mais sûrement
Bonne journée