The Third Eye Chakra represents our deep intuition. It allows for the development of being and self-confidence.
Ajna Chakra Identity Card
Color : indigo blue
Location : between the two eyes
Element : the mind
Keywords : intuition, clairvoyance, imagination, awareness
musical note : There
Mantra: Om
Tarot Card : The Hanged Man
Your 3rd Eye Chakra is it balanced?
The chakra is harmonious in people who are in tune with their intuition, lucid, sensitive, patient and tolerant.
He may be blocked by various disorders such as illusions, lack of confidence and a very powerful mind.
Feeling that life is meaningless, lack of concentration and learning, low mood, anxiety and doubts are many signs of a chakra dysfunctional .
So what can be done to balance it?
What yoga postures to stimulate the 3rd eye chakra ?
Child's pose, Balasana
The Eagle, Garudasana
The Dancer, Natarajasana
The tree, Vrikshasana

To see the full set of postures, click here.
Which mantras to stimulate the 3rd eye chakra?
I move forward with confidence.
I am an intuitive person, listening to my intuitions.
My sensitivity is a strength.
Other Ways to Stimulate the Third Eye Chakra
Practice meditation, visualization or contemplate a starry night. Take the time to set long-term goals and listen to your desires. Lose yourself in your dreams and thoughts.