The Warrior 1 - Virabhadrasana 1

warrior 1

Warrior 1 pose, Virabhadrasana 1 is one of the most important dynamic poses in yoga. Warrior 1 is also found in Sun Salutation B. It is a complete asana that allows you to work the entire body, strengthening and making it more flexible.

How to perform the posture?

  • Start in downward dog.
  • On the inhale, raise the right leg in three-legged downward dog.
  • As you exhale, bring your right foot between your two hands.
  • The left foot pivots 45° and anchors itself in the ground.
  • Raise your torso and stretch your hands towards the sky.
  • Hips remain aligned and face the front of the mat.
  • Looking forward.
  • Breathe.

Alignments to know 👇

  • The rear foot is oriented 45 degrees outwards.
  • The back leg is extended , and the outside of the back foot touches the ground.
  • The spine is straight .
  • The front knee is aligned with the heel.
  • The hips are facing forward, parallel to the mat.
  • The arms are stretched towards the sky.

What are its benefits for the body and mind?

  • Stretches the hips and groin.
  • Strengthens arms, shoulders, back, hamstrings, knees and ankles.
  • Improves balance, self-confidence and concentration.

What is its symbolic significance?

The name of this posture comes from the warrior Virabhadra, born from a hair of Shiva after a divine anger. Etymologically, Vira = courageous hero, Asana = Yoga posture.

In Warrior 1 posture, the yogi raises his arms towards the Sky, towards what is above him, towards what is higher than himself and opens his chest in an energy of self-giving.

Through this opening, he is searching for inner balance.

Warrior Pose 1 Balances Chakra from the solar plexus manipura, the 3rd chakra , linked to the element of fire and the Sun.

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