In addition to being a practical and inspiring tool, YOGASANA was designed to allow you to express yourself and create the yoga that suits you , according to your desires and needs.
There are several ways to use the cards:
1. depending on the level of difficulty
YOGASANA is 75 yoga postures categorized by
difficulty level, from 1 to 3:
• easy
•• intermediate
• • • difficult

The levels are indicated on the front, below the name of each posture.
2. according to the categories of postures
YOGASANA presents the 75 postures in 10 categories from warm-ups to relaxation. Each category corresponds to a defined color.
3. depending on the benefits of the posture
On the back of each card are indicated the benefits of each posture for the body and mind: calming the mind, improving concentration, balance, fighting against pain linked to menstrual cycles, etc.
It’s up to you to choose the benefits you want for your session!
4. draw a card per category
Draw 5, 10, 20 cards or more depending on your desires and the time you want to devote to your practice and off you go!
5. draw cards at random
Let the cards choose for you and then express yourself on the mat!
6. carry out the proposed sequences
In addition to the 75 postures offered, YOGASANA offers four ideas for sequences to perform for:
- gain flexibility
- fight against stress and anxiety
- energize the body
- fight against digestive disorders

7. Create your own sequence
Creativity is your only limit! Thanks to its many postures, YOGASANA offers an infinite number of sequences to perform. Express yourself, be free! Practice YOUR yoga!
YOGASANA is a tool of 80 illustrated and detailed yoga cards to practice yoga every day.